Posted: March 12th, 2010 | Filed under: You Will Die | 4 Comments »

Wayne Coyne, lead singer of The Flaming Lips, wrote a blurb for my book, You Will Die: The Burden of Modern Taboos. I’m honored that an artist of his caliber was willing to help an extremely controversial book. In an era where commercial promotions account for a large portion of a prominent artist’s income, it was a courageous act.
Here it is in its entirety:
The Burden of Modern Taboos ……… America is, hopefully, coming to the conclusion that marijuana and gay people are not the feared, destroyers that the conservative propaganda wanted us to believe … having said that … I don’t know if America will ever be the radical “freak for all” that Mr. Arthur is pushing for … But heck ya gotta fight back against the Sarah Palin “idiot herd” with something ………… Wayne..2010
The Flaming Lips are an alternative rock band from Oklahoma City. They have been nominated for six Grammies and have won three. In 2002, Britain’s Q magazine named The Flaming Lips one of the “50 Bands to See Before You Die.”
To see more endorsements of You Will Die: The Burden of Modern Taboos go to its web page. You Will Die can also be found at Amazon.
Flaming Lips Links: Wikipedia, Official Site
Posted: November 29th, 2008 | Filed under: You Will Die | 1 Comment »
You Will Die: The Burden of Modern Taboos is now available. Despite a momentary crisis in delivery coordination – my friend, whose house is the storage facility, had fallen off the wagon – everything worked and 2,100 copies are now in my possession.
Posted: July 31st, 2008 | Filed under: You Will Die | 3 Comments »
The Book
My book, You Will Die: The Burden of Modern Taboos, is temporarily out of stock. The current version (second) is hand-bound and the demand for the book has outstripped my patience for cobbling books together with cereal boxes and glue strips. I will bind the remaining printings (roughly fifteen) which will bring the final print-run for the current version to roughly 210. For those who have ordered my book, you can find your book’s print number on the inside back cover where I marked each one in pen.
I am working on wrapping up the third version which should be professionally printed in the next couple months. I will probably make the remaining second version books available towards the end of August. To be notified when the book is again on sale, e-mail and put “notify” in the subject line.
The Blog
I spent the last several months being clobbered by “real” work (over 280 hours in June), and now am preoccupied with the third version of You Will Die. I will probably begin blogging again when the third version has been turned over to the printers, although I might be incited before that.