Posted: March 31st, 2008 | Filed under: Iraq War | Comments Off on Dick Cheney Could Kick Your Ass

On March 17, 2008, Vice President Dick Cheney visited Baghdad. He was promptly greeted by a car bomb that rocked Baghdad and injured three people. Before the end of the day a suicide bomber killed at least 40 people in the neighboring city of Karbala, two American soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb north of Baghdad, and an exploding mortar shell killed five people on a Baghdad soccer field. Cheney used his visit to announce that the troop surge had accomplished “phenomenal changes” and that the US invasion was a “successful endeavor.”
Cheney has shown he is not above crass language in public. He agreed with President George W. Bush at a 2000 campaign event that New York Times reporter, Adam Clymer, was a “big time” asshole and on the floor of the US Senate in 2004 he told Senator Patrick Leahy to “fuck himself.”
And yes, he shot his friend in the face.
- Helen Dewar & Dana Milbank, “Cheney Dismisses Critic With Obscenity,” Washington Post, 25 June 2004. LINK
- Liz Sly, “Iraq Violence Greets McCain, Cheney,” Chicago Tribune, 18 Mar. 2008. LINK
- Jake Tapper, “A ‘Major League Asshole,'”, 4 Sep. 2000. LINK
Posted: March 25th, 2008 | Filed under: Iraq War | 2 Comments »

This cartoon stems from my amazement at recent comments made by Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, and John McCain about the Iraq War. Their gall is breathtaking.
Its right column contains morsels I’ve heard from hawks in the past.
Just like with the Drug War, the Iraq War was precipitated by dishonest fearmongering (LINK to Bush’s Iraq Lies), suffering caused by the war is used to further justify the war, and the people making the money are behind it all.
- For torture and murder claim see Richard Leiby, “Down a Dark Road,”, 27 Apr. 2007, ret. 25 Mar. 2008. LINK
- Casualties were taken from’s “Casualties in Iraq” page on March 25, 2008. LINK
- Costs taken from National Priorities Project’s “War in Iraq Costs” page, ret., 25 Mar. 2008. LINK
- Iraqi opposition was taken from a 2007 poll. A more recent poll could not be found. Gary Langer, “Voices From Iraq 2007,”, 19 Mar. 2007, ret. 25 Mar. 2008. LINK
- American opposition and Dick Cheney’s response from Ken Herman, “Cheney’s Dismissive ‘So?’ on Iraq Prompts Swift Elaboration,” Cox News Service, 20 Mar. 2008, ret., 25 Mar. 2008. LINK
- George W. Bush’s no regrets from Ross Colvin, “Four US Soldiers Killed In Iraq,”, 24 Mar. 2008, ret. 25 Mar. 2008. LINK
- John McCain’s comment from Liz Sidoti, “McCain Says US Succeeding in Iraq,” AP, 25 Mar. 2008, ret. 25 Mar. 2008, LINK
- In 2005 I received a lengthy e-mail forward damning Jane Fonda for her ideological treason during the Vietnam War.
- While listening to fundamentalist Christian radio several years back a Christian American soldier was interviewed during a segment decrying the negative coverage of the Iraqi War. He compared America’s involvement to Jesus Christ’s violence in the temple towards merchants.