Book I



About the Author ...............................................................  4

Forward ..............................................................................  5

Key .....................................................................................  7

Contents ............................................................................  9



  Chapter 1 – Introduction:

  The Burden


I. First Person: Give Me Some Skin ...............................  21

II. Aztec Sacrifice: Food for Thought ...............................  23

III. Definition of Taboo: Shut Up .....................................  27

IV. Spitting: Days of Phlegm ............................................  29

V. The Point: Taboos = Bad ..............................................  32

□ Cannibalism: My Nipples

Look Forward to Your Stomach .....................  34



  Chapter 2 – Nasal Mucus:

  Still Picking


I. First Person: The Mucus In Me ...................................  37

II. What It Is: Booger, M.D. ..............................................  39

III. The Taboo: Grow Up ...................................................  40

IV. Its Origin: Hanky Panky ............................................  42

V. Repercussions: Where Did My Septum Go? ...............  44

□ The Gang Bang Boogie .....................................  46

VI. Summary: Final Blow ................................................  48




  Chapter 3 – Excrement:

  America Doesn’t Know Shit


I. First Person: Doing It Wrong ........................................  49

II. What It Is: Good Shit ...................................................  52

III. The Taboo: Potty Humor ............................................  56

IV. Its Origin: Filthy Forefathers

A. Ancient Times: Gods of Poo ............................  59

B. The Middle Ages: Mountains of Poo ................  63

C. 1700 – 1900: Don’t Look at My Poo .................  68

D. 20th Century: Don’t Even Say Poo ...................  73

V. Repercussions: Anal Retentive ..................................  74

A. Facilities: Lazy Shits .......................................  75

B. Technique: Spread and Lift ............................  78

C. Cleansing: Poo Butt......................................... 82

D. Holding It: Learn to Love Again ......................  83

E. The Environment: Crapping on the Fish ........  86

F. History: Hidden Turds .....................................  88

□ Ye Gods!: Mozart’s Muck .........................  90

VI. Summary: Wiping Up ...............................................  92




  Chapter 4 – Sex I:

  What It Is: Sex is Good


I. First Person: A Sex Drive to Nowhere .........................  93

II. Definition: Vagina Meet Penis ...................................  98

III. A Basic Human Need: Purity is Misery .....................  99

IV. Women and Men Have Different Sex Drives:

Fucking to Love and Loving to Fuck ........................  100

A. The Differences:

Fake Boobs and Fake Rolexes .......................  102

□ Men on Porn for Women: Weary

Whacker Needs Nudie Time .................  103

□ The Coolidge Effect: A Cock Story ..........  107

B. The Evidence:

Slutty Men Are Everywhere ...........................  109

V. Homosexuality is Biological:

Going Gay in the Uterus .........................................  114

A. The Evidence: Quack, Quack ..........................  116

□ “Reparative Therapy”:

You Can’t Hustle a Hustler ..................  121

B. The Religious Argument: Stop Being Gay ......  122

VI. Children are Sexual:

Hello, Puberty Starts Before Age 18 ........................  125

□ Hype #1: Child Porn ..............................  131

□ Hype #2: Internet Predators ...................  133


  Chapter 5 – Sex II:

            The Taboo: Sex Is Bad ......................................  137


I. Educational System:

Pre-Marital Sex Makes You Crazy .............................  138

A. Arguments for Ignorance:

Keep ‘Em Dumb .............................................  138

B. The Curriculum: Be Prepared to Die ..............  140

II. Censorship: Be Quiet

So They Don’t Figure It Out ....................................  144

III. Criminalization of Sex:

Happy Hookers, Happy Johns, & Mad Moralists ......  146

□ Hype #3: AIDS ........................................  150

□ Australia on Prostitution:

Human Rights Implications ..................  152

□ A Proud Prostitute:

I Was in Heaven ....................................  152

□ Hype #4: Sex Trafficking .........................  154

□ A Proud Porn Star:

Fat, Old, and Ugly .................................  154




  Chapter 6 – Sex III:

  Its Origin: Distorting Jesus


I. American Prude ........................................................  155

II. Our Genetic Relatives: Sex Was Fun .......................  156

III. Evolution: Help Me Raise This Thing ......................  159

IV. Agriculture: Wives for Sale .....................................  165

V. Ancient Rome: Here a Penis, There a Penis ............  168

VI. Christianity: Turning Jesus into a Prude ...............  173

□ The Roman Sword: Why You’re

Probably A Christian ..........................  175

VII. The Middle Ages: Sex Is a Sin? Who Cares? .........  182

A. Penitentials: Did You Come My Son? ...........  183

B. Medieval Names:

Starring John Fillecunt ................................  184

C. The Priests: Stupid and Horny ......................  185

IX. The Inquisition: Sex Is a Sin. Meet the Rack.

A. The Process: Torture Is Not Litigious .............  189

B. The Punishment: Burn Or Go To Hell ...........  190

C. The Effect: Wretched Slavery .........................  194

X. The Protestant Reformation: A Monk Wants Sex ....  195

A. Catholic Hypocrisy: Hot Papal Orgies ............  196

B. Martin Luther: A Piece of Shit

Says Jesus Screwed ......................................  200

C. John Calvin: Sourpuss ..................................  204

XI. Puritan America:

God Hates You. Don’t Have Sex. .............................  206




  Chapter 7 – Sex IV:

  Its Origin: Distorting Science


I. Humanism: Happiness (Sex) on Earth ......................  211

A. The Philosophy: Mind Your Business ...........  212

B. Science: How Come This

Wasn’t In The Bible? ....................................  214

II. Victorianism: Sex is Low Class

A. The New Middle Class: Rich and Lame ..........  216

B. Women as Asexual Victims:

Dumb but Not Slutty ....................................  217

C. Children as Asexual Victims:

Little Jonny Would Never Want Vagina ........  220

III. The Jeremiads:

The Sky Is Falling! Lock Up the Sinners!

A. What It Is: A Freak Out! .................................  225

B. Victorian Prostitution:

My Wife Doesn’t Suck ...................................  227

C. White Slavery: It’s 1910. Do You

Know Where Your Daughter Is? ....................  230

D. The Birth of the FBI:

Fighting Interstate Adultery ..........................  231

□ Hoover: Repressed G Man? ....................  235

E. The Saved Victims:

Leave Us the Hell Alone .................................  236


  Chapter 8 – Sex V:

  Its End?: The Revolutions


I. The 1920s Sexual Revolution:

Women Get Their Sexy Back ..................................  241

II. 1930s – 1950s:

Toothbrushes and Commies ...................................  245

III. The 1960s Sexual Revolution:

Sexual Healing......................................................... 248

A. The Courts: Oh Yeah, That Constitution  ......  248

B. Beats and Hippies: Getting A Peace ..............  252

□ Filthy Speech Movement:

Fuck You ...................................  257

C. Helen Gurley Brown:

Look Ma, I Had Sex & Didn’t Die .................  258

D. Masturbation: Manual Transmission ............  260

1. Philip Roth: The Firing Wad ................  260

2. Betty Dodson: All Hell

Broke Loose in Her Pants ...................  263

E. The Media: Spreading the Word

For Gay Tittie Bars .......................................  265

F. Openness: One Shining Moment .................  268

IV. The Backlash: AIDS Hysteria Is a

Great Rallying Cry

A. The Empire Tries to Strike Back

Against Facts ...............................................  273

B. The Collapse of the Left:

Killer Hippies ...............................................  275

C. Skewed Stats: When I Was a Boy

All We Did Was Chew Gum. Stop Lying. ......  278

D. AIDS: I Don’t Have It.

Do You? [Laughter] ......................................  282

E. God Tells Bush to Stop Fishing

And Run for President .................................  287


  Chapter 9 – Sex VI: Repercussions:

  The Government Wants Your Sex ..................  291


I. Government: Prudes Gone Wild

A. Hypocrisy: I Can Have Sexual Fun,

But You Can’t So I Can Get Your

Grandma’s Vote ...........................................  292

B. Lies: Breaking One of the Ten

Commandments for Something

Jesus Didn’t Care About .............................  295

C. Distraction: Stopping Perverts Is the

Most Important Issue in the Universe  ........  297

D. Kill All Child Molesters:

Why Civil Liberties Are Important ...............  300

E. Monetary Cost: Jail ‘Em All. Why Are

My Taxes So High? ......................................  302

□ Busting Hos Is Fun Son:

The Law Enforcement Angle ..............  303

II. Ignorance: Is Dumb

A. Distortion of Sex Ed: No Birds and

the Bees, More Abortions and STDs ............  304

□ We’re #1 in Gonorrhea:

Morality Over Reality .........................  306

B. Distortion of Scholarship:

Men Really Are Assholes .............................  306

□ Sexual Politics by T ..............................  309

□ G Spotting: In the Ass ..........................  310

C. Distortion of Art: Jesus’ Penis ......................  311

D. Distortion of Teaching:

G Rated Learning Is Boring .........................  312

E. Distortion of Reality: Maybe Our

Culture Is the One That Sucks ....................  314

□ Grow Up: Clinton’s Impeachment

Was About Sex..................................... 315

III. Unhealthy Sexual Attitudes (U.S.A.) .....................  317

A. Shame: My Tinky is Dinky ...........................  318

B. Overemphasis: Relax, It’s Just Sex ..............  319

IV. Sexual Deprivation: The Right to Have Sex

with A Hot Person

A. High T Males: Blue Balls and Violence ........  321

□ Horny?: Natural Ways

to Lower Male T Levels .......................  323

B. High T Females: The Government

Won’t Let You Make Money Lying Down .....  324

□ Death of a Virgin: The Moral

Argument for Prostitution ..................  325

□ Brave Workers: It’s Criminalized

to Protect Them? ................................  326

□ Catching Consensual Sex

Criminals: Well, What’s On

Your Mind, Big Guy? ..........................  327

C. Bad Sex: You’re Missing Out ........................  329

V. Sex Summary: Wrap It Up ......................................  330



  Chapter 10 – Drugs I:

  What They Are: Underrated


I. First Person: I Was a Schmuck .................................  335

II. What They Are: They Are What

The Government Says They Are .............................  341

□ Types of Recreational Drugs:

High, Low, or Whoa ............................  342

III. You Can’t Handle Them: Drugs Are Addictive

A. Freebasing Caffeine:

Administration vs. Substance .....................  343

□ Drugs’ Addictiveness:

How Bad Do You Want It? .................  345

□ Methods of Administration:

How Hard It Hits ...............................  346

B. Avoiding Physical Addiction: Simple ...........  349

□ When Can I Get High Again?:

Half Lives ..........................................  350

□ Is Physical Addiction that Bad?:

Ask a Coffee Drinker .........................  351

C. Sports Fans Are Addicted to Sports:

“Psychological Addiction” Silliness .............  352

IV. You Will Die: Drugs Kill .......................................  354

□ Instant Enslavement?: Please .............  355

□ Fat and Dead: Fatalities ......................  356

□ Heroin Shots .......................................  358

□ Declaring a War on Stairs:

What Kills ..........................................  360

V. You Will Die Slowly: Drugs Are Unhealthy ............  362

A. Government Interference Is Dangerous:

Criminalized Water Would Be Unhealthy ....  362

B. Functional Alcoholic vs. Junkie:

A Matter of Price ..........................................  363

□ Inflated Prices: Veins of Gold ...............  364

C. Shining Happy Drug Users:

The Invisible Majority ..................................  365

□ High On Success:

Drug Users Who Overachieved ..........  367

VI. You Will Kill Me:

Drugs Make You Do Bad Things

A. The Drug Made Me Do It: Stop Lying ............  371

B. Rebels & Sensation Seekers:

Motorcycles, Tattoos, and the Nickname

“Spike” Cause Crime ....................................  373

VII. You Only Think You Are Having Fun:

Illegal Drugs Serve No Purpose ..............................  375

A. Meeting God:

Mind Expansion / Religious Reasons ..........  375

B. I Like You: Social Reasons ............................  377

C. Ow!: Pain Tolerance ......................................  379

D. Third Wind: Energy .......................................  380

E. Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Relaxation ...............  381

F. A Whole New World: Creativity ....................... 382

G. F The Man: Rebellion ....................................  387

H. Custom: Culture ...........................................  389

I. It Does the Body Good:

Health Reasons ............................................  389

J. Drugs Make Life Fun: Pleasure .....................  391

□ Good Times: Maybe You

Are Missing Out ..................................  392


  Chapter 11 – Drugs II: The Taboo:

  You Just Don’t Know, You Asshole! ...............  395


I. The Unsettling Nature: You Just Don’t Know,

You Government Tool! .............................................  395

II. The Ignorance: You Just Don’t Know,

You Government Tool!

A. “Flowers of Destruction”:

The Objective Media .....................................  397

□ That’s Nutty: Ecstasy vs. Peanuts .........  401

□ Pardon Me, But That’s Bullshit:

Some Honest Voices ...........................  406

B. They Must Suffer: The Subjective Media ....... 406

□ Living on the Edge:

Heroin vs. Motorcycles .......................  407




  Chapter 12 – Drugs III: Its Origin:

  Racism, Lies, & Cruel Selfish Bureaucrats


I. From the Beginning: Getting High In the Cave ........  411

II. Lying About the Bible Again:

The War on John Barleycorn ..................................  413

III. The First Drug War: Prohibition ..............................  416

IV. Wright Was Wrong: A Drunk

Plays the U.S. and the World ..................................  421

□ White Powder:

Racism behind Drug Laws ...................  424

V. The Hoover of Drugs: A Bald Snake

Disregards the Constitution for 30 Years ................  425

A. Criminalizing Stuff is Fun: Marijuana ................  426

□ No Bud for Rosebud:

The Marihuana Conspiracy .................  430

B. Anslinger Has No Clothes

But He Is Still Emperor ......................................  430

VI. Lock Up The Disrespectful Brats:

Nixon Was a Tough Guy ..........................................  434

VII. Carter Tries ............................................................  437

VIII. Reagan and Crack Incite Panic .............................  438

A. You Look Suspicious, Give Me

All Your Money: Forfeiture ............................  438

B. Prohibition Creates Crack:

The Media Creates a Monster .......................  439

IX. Reagan and Bush Get Their War On:

And Lose

A. Declaring War on the Coca Plant ...................  442

B. Daily 9/11s: Columbia ..................................  443

C. A Boxed Head and a Cardinal Dead:

Mexico ..........................................................  449

X. The Land of the Free

Pisses on Other Countries ......................................  451

□ Oh Shut Up: Drug Czar’s

Henchman Get Cocky .........................  453

XI. The War Continues: Stay the Stupid Course .........  455

□ Radical Nutballs?: Supporters

of Drug Decriminalization ...................  458




   Chapter 13 – Drugs IV: Repercussions:

   Maybe When It’s Your Daughter

   You’ll Give a Shit .............................................  461


I. Do The Crime, Do The Time ... Bitch!:

The Land of Liberty? ................................................  461

□ Calling A Spade a Spade:

Who Is Responsible ..............................  462

□ Freedom Isn’t Free: Drug War &

U.S. Prison Population .........................  464

□ Crime & Punishment:

The Power of Taboo ..............................  464

II. What Constitution?: Civil Rights .............................  465

A. Chip, Chip, Chip, Gone:

Judicial Interpretation ..................................  465

B. Snitch Justice ...............................................  466

C. But The Good Guys Play by the Rules:

Please ............................................................  468

□ Rolling Back the Clock to 1250 A.D.:

Liberty and Fighting Evil .....................  469

III. It’s Not My Rich White Ass:

Classism & Racism .................................................  470

IV. Fat White Senators Do Not Scare Them:

Generation G (For Gangster) ..................................  472

V. The Drug Didn’t Do This To Sally:

The Government Did

A. Don’t Put Me in Jail

Because Prohibition Killed Suzie .................  475

□ Highway Safety .....................................  476

B. Don’t Put Me in Jail

Because Prohibition Ruined Suzie’s Life ......  477

VI. My Government Has Fallen

and Can’t Get Up

A. Bush Got High. Why Can’t I?:

Hypocrisy .....................................................  479

B. Why They Hate Us:

The DEA Pisses On The Whole World ...........  482

C. Tax Addiction Is A Moral Issue:

Bloated Bureaucracy ....................................  483

D. Corruption Is A Third World Thing:

Wrong ...........................................................  484

VII. Slandering the Real Land of the Free ...................  486

VIII. The Killer App:

A Cash Cow to Criminals Everywhere ....................  490

□ The Money Train:

Organizations Financed Primarily

by Drug’s Prohibition .........................  492

□ 9/11: The Drug War Hits Home ...........  493

IX. Mission Impossible:

Fine, Don’t Cut and Run, You Idiot

A. If They Say We Are Winning,

They Are Talking Out of Their Ass ...............  494

□ Yeah Thanks:

Drug Addicted Americans ..................  495

B. Economics 101:

We Will Never Win, (Sorry Suzie) .................  496

□ It’s Snowing Money:

Cocaine Economics ............................  497

C. Common Sense ............................................  497

□ Getting High Legally:

In Grandma’s Garden ........................  499

D. What If We Stop Being Pussies? ...................  501

X. Drugs Are Fun:

Why Must Everyone Be Square? ............................  502

XI. Summary ...............................................................  504





I. Time Line ..................................................................  509

II. Critical Thinking ......................................................  511

III. Great Philanderers:

20th Century World Leaders ...............................  515

IV. Great Philanderers:

American Presidents ...........................................  519

V. Hand Balling ............................................................  535


Purchasing Information ..............................................  540




Book II

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Page last updated March 2, 2008.